This photo is from NORAKs show the weekend before I came back to Norway. This is taken during the "panel" to decide best in show after Luna had been nominated and won best of breed.
I'll think, even those of you who are not feline experts, will agree that she looks absolutely stunning. The show before, LIRAK, she won best in show and best overall club cat.
Her she is with her proud owner.
As a result of all of this Luna has qualified for the Scandanavians winners show on the first weekend of June. Unfortuanetly, both Lunas owner and Mrs VL are not available that weekend, so I have been volenteered to take both Luna and Vegas (being an International Champion he also qualifies) to Sweden for the weekend. I may have already found company, if not, anyone fancy a weekend in Sweden surrounded by the best cats Scandanavia has to offer?
Var moro å lese om Esk! Og veldig snilt av dere å ta henne med til Sverige,hva skulle jeg gjort uten dere?? Setter stor pris på all hjelp jeg får av dere. Vi snakkes nærmere om det praktiske ang utstillingen. Til søndag drar vi til Mjøskatten og jakter på nye premier! Og kunne dere sendt meg bildene som Mari tok på utstillingen??
Anett og Luna/Esk
Bare hyggelig. Lykke til på mjøskatten og jeg skal prøve å få bildene tilsendt...
I'd love to come and be the proud grandmother at the show, but sadly its too far and too soon for anymore jet setting. However, congratulations on producing such a star!
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