Friday, August 24, 2007

MIL's Tintin Shelf

Don't ask, my very dear Mother in Law enjoyed here 70th birthday during last week. Although it involved a little work we were delighted when she requested a shelf for the Titin cars that shes been collecting. This request saved us from thinking about what to get her.

After some highly detail design work (including some very good advise from Mrs VL after my first design was deemed way too fancy), there was a brief interruption in progress while I travelled to Finland with work for a couple of days.

A short afternoon in Partner in Crimes basement produced this flat pack kit.

A bit of Routing and glueing in our basement produced this.

A bit of Sanding, varninshing and a very enjoyable party during which I mounted it on the wall and here it is, in all it's glory complete with the very fine art work which it is built to disply.


the other cold one said...

Could be a lucrative sideline, custom built woodwork, no job too small, big or fiddly? Very impressive, but what happened to the purist 'I'll only use a chisel and saw' a la workbench. Needs must while the devil drives?

Anonymous said...

"Norwegian Wood" makes more and more sense... ;-)