Saturday, November 10, 2007

From Seized engine to this in many not so easy steps.

More later on more-power. It's been a bit of a fight, finally I'm a happy man that owns a 1971 David Brown 880 Setect-o-matic that runs!

For those of you who havn't been following progress on more-power you'll find the photos here with some comments and blog posts here.


the other cold one said...

Yep! As promised, said tractor driving through said doors... Hoorah!

the other cold one said...

How do I leave comments on good, old and mostly British - it tells me anonymous comments are disabled - do I need to join?

Viking Longship said...

Should be fixed now.. I've enabled annonymous comments...

reeksy said...

ah, the DB's dbs! That sound is the absolut D's B's ;-)

No need to silence it just wear ear protectors.
Looks a bit newer than the one i've driven, but sounds pretty similar.

Viking Longship said...

Probably, most likely and almost certainly the same 3-Cylinder 2.5L engine. DB used it in a lot of tractors, think they had a 4-Cylinder in the earliest ones.

Anonymous said...

Being as we are internet-less, this is the first time I've seen the blog in nearly 3 months. Have had great fun catching up on the SERT and now to find that the DB is up and running.-- Congratulations! Looking forward to the New Year and hearing it in person.

Nick said...

Splendid! Well done! But didn't David Brown design high-powered sports cars for Aston Martin? You must've put the bits together in the wrong order or something . . .

Viking Longship said...

Nick,they didn't just make Aston Maritns, Sir David Brown owned Aston Martin, I refer you to the more power blog, here

Anonymous said...

If you want more info for your seized engine, go to
the liquid solution for seized engine

Viking Longship said...


I'm sure you have a fine product there, but if you read the post and look at the video I think you find that the engine is amazingly and after not a little effort UNSIEZED...

Plus, if you take a little time to study the blog you'll find that we are in Norway, your web site states that you only ship to the US, that's a fat load of good to me.