Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Birds of Prey

During the last few weeks I have seen a large bird of prey in the area around the bottom of the lane.

On one occasion sitting on a road sign as I drove past and on another flying over the car at low level. During a discussion with the real farmers dad, I asked what was the largest bird of prey in the area, this he replied was a "Musvåk" which translated is a "common buzzard"

Now, during our time in Cumbria we say plenty of birds of prey, but I don't remember seeing such a large beast close up, although I believe Cumbria also has a population of buzzards. I would guess that this birds wingspan is between 1.25 and 1.5 Metres and it's body is a similar size to a small goose.

Can any of you out there enlighten if this sounds like a Buzzard and if so give me some glues as to how I can identify it better should I see it again. I would say that I will endeavour to obtain a photo, but I think this is unlikely.

All in all, a bit of a worry for future plans of keeping chickens, reckon that a fully enclosed run will be required.

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