Friday, November 02, 2007

Not Guilty, maybe.

Fetched by it's loving and devoted owner the day after the other cold one arrived we had had "the elephant" visiting for around 10 weeks before that.

"The Elephant", on good days, downgraded to "The Horse", is really a sweet hearted beast. It's just that being a 40 odd Kilo Rodesian Ridgeback, having a load of energy and being a little boistrous you notice that she's in the house, quite unlike Peggy who you could easily forget is in (or out of) the house.

Anyway, to the point of the story. "The Elephant" has a habit of moving things about the house, sometimes chewing them for good measure. Needless to say, shoes and the like were kept locked away from temptation.

However, on a number of occasions, the items on the front door step (wellies, daffodil and tulip bulbs, shoes and the likes) had a habit of spreading themselves around the lawn. On a number of occassions we really were surprised by how much "The Elephant" has managed to move when she hadn't really been outside unattended for any significant period.

It became increasingly difficult to blame "the horse" (downgraded due to mis-suspicion) for the items spread out across the lawn as she was in fact 200 miles down the south coast and items were still being spread.

Some detctive work has derived the theory that the culprit is in fact some what longer haired, bushier tailed and more cunning (and most definately not 3 legged). The real farmers, next door, have lost a sweeping brush, there more pragmatic approach to the problem involves a trap and a rifle. Harsh, but they are vermin and that's life out in the country.


the other cold one said...

They have the same problem in this country, but the 'vermin' are somewhat larger, furrier, browner and deadlier. Witness the two hunters (or were they foresters?) in Sweden with teeth and paw marks in their heads. I quite liked the dog, but not really suited to a life inside, as you said. Not many lions in Norway either!

the other cold one said...

Btw your photos don't enlarge anymore.

Viking Longship said...

At least not all of them, I know the fix and I'll try to fix those that don't. Not sure why blogger doesn't always add the photo html correctly....