Monday, October 18, 2010

Getting Ready for winter.....

It's been too long.... I can blame how much I've had to do, motivation, a barn roof, a tractor, a studying wife, all the fun things there are to do with a 2 year old, a knackered computer, building a new computer and so on....

Anyway, nightime temperatures below zero are annoucing the oncoming winter, which we are not ready for.

Here's a photo of the only one who is ready....

This photo was taken towards the end of last winter when Ski's were on offer, he only had a couple of outings on them, but I expect that this winter he'll be much more enthusiastic. The boots should fit him now as well!

Here's another photo from the end of last winter, and the cause of the reason why we're not ready for this winter.

Here's the damage, which as the real farmer next door rightly pointed out, we had to do something with otherwise we wouldn't have a barn next year.

Drastic action has been taken and is nearly complete, more on that (maybe) later....


TSS said...

I imagine FBS will ski better than me by the end of the season!
I do hope to see the 'more later', as it is good to see how things are moving on.
Hope the preparation is sufficient to keep you warm, safe and cosy even if there are a few jobs you just wished you could have done this year.
We had our first frost this week in Cockermouth. Apples harvested. Getting prepared to remove leaves.

Thanks again for resuming the blog.
All the best!

little big sis( I think!) said...

About time we saw some new piccies!
I'm busy organising this years kk, I think the general consensus is to do singles this year. Hope everyone is ok with this. Instructions will be posted out soon!