Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Menagerie

Today, Catstycam, the last of Asia's most recent (and almost certainly final) litter, was picked up by his new owners.

The relative quietness got us thinking and after a few calculations we reckon that our Menagerie is at the smallest it's been since the arrival "Felix" the Ferret and the first of the hens to Crummock Ave around 5 years ago.

In that time, "Nasse Nøff" the guinea pig, "Snurre Sprett" the rabbit, the hens including "Mum", "Minimum", "Dotling", "Minidot", "Whitie" and "Darth" amongst others, "lily" and "Dia" the Diamond Doves, "Gordon" and "Georgie" the Canaries, "Felix" the Ferret and the two pigs have all come and gone (the hens moved home when we left the UK, the rest (except the pigs, see various posts from August until December 2005!!) passed on due to natural causes).

We have also sold 5 Bengal kittens, all of whome we have had the pleasure of for at least the first 12 weeks of their lives.

That leaves us with a mere 6 animals, as listed below in the order that they joined the Longship household.

Heera, our male Diamond Dove, who has now outlived 2 partners.

Peggy, our Three legged friend, pictured here leading the way, on the top of Skiddaw.

Anitra, our first Bengal.

Vegas, our International Champion Bengal stud cat, purchased after attempts to take Anitra to outside stud proved unsuccessful.

Asia, our second Bengal breeding queen, purchased after attempts to pair Anitra and Vegas proved unsucessful!!!

Amazing Incident, Vegas and Anitra's only child, created by our own hands through Cat AI (see previous posts "Virgin birth" and "We put them in and we took them out" .

These are all archive pictures, with the exception of Heera which was taken 10 minutes ago, we've had him for approaching 6 years and I couldn't find a decent photo of him, typical!!!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the pictures -- Peggy's especially!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Felix had passed. What happened to the old boy?

Viking Longship said...


Thanks, the Misses took that picture of Peggy, I wasn't there that day. She was toghether with the Thoughtful Scotsman and an attractive German vet....... We have some great pictures of Peggy in the fells, I think it reflects how much she enjoys such days out.


Sadly Felix went down hill not so long after we moved, we reckon he was an old man. He had a growth which turned out to be an enourmously enlarged kidney, which we tried to remove but he was too week for the anesthetic and never came round properly afterwards. T'was around 2 years ago now.