Obviously, whilst going to all the effort of building a new office, there's no point in putting it in the same old poorly decorated room. When first spending time and money on painting the walls and wood work, it seemed a shame to keep the same old carpet, which was a little past it's prime.
Carpets and cats don't go so it was decided to sand the wooden floor down and apply some new coats of varnish.
It all sounded simple, but as those of you who have dealed with previously varnished floors will know, it wasn't. Mrs VL started off with the belt sander, which simply melted the old varnish and made even more mess. Next step was to rope in a poor unsuspecting visitor (the cat's foster mum in this instance), adourn chemical resistant poly bags and attack the floor with paint remover,
(Cutting edge reporting this, one can't begin to imagine how much trouble I'll get in for posting this picture...)
Success was little more than partial. Weeks later and after more chemicals, many worn out sand sheets for both the round and belt sander and with much frustration the floor was finally ready for a new coating.
Here's Mrs VL half way through the first of many coats. You can also see the new colour scheme, freshly applied.
The garden before the snow falls,,,
15 years ago
Did you get the classic comedy scenario of Mari trapping herself in a corner surrounded by freshly varnished floor? Also, it's good to see the tree we pruned last Summer is still standing.
Not exactly, but we did end up in the situation where yours truly had his turn to varnish and left the varnish tins lid on the window sill.......
A little bit of inginuity and a vacuum cleaner soon solved that problem.
And yes, the tree is, for the time being still standing. It's got to go before we plant any new fruit trees though, maybe you can come and help chop it down!!
I can't believe its the same room in which Our Father and I spent happy nights on the mattresses(!) on the floor 21 months ago. It is going to look gorgeous. Well done.
Wish we had the technology to post interesting pictures, then all the world could see me in my working gear, which you can assure Mrs VL is far more unflattering than hers.
I would guess it's application and not technology that's lacking?
Or is the technology you require on a three month placement in France?
Would love to come across to help remove the tree....but I see Air EireBandits (sorry Ryanair) have pulled the route from Newcastle.
Tell Mari that, to prevent her feeling bad about the photo of her with plastic bags on her feet, I have posted it to www.decoratingbabes/scandinvians. It should find an appreciative audience there. Only kidding!
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