Thursday, April 24, 2008

Retreiving Cat

Vegas has found out that cable ties are great fun and been playing with one for weeks now.

In the process we have discovered that, unlike Peggy (who's version of fetch involves running off and chewing whatever she should be fetching), Vegas is an excellent retreiver. It took a little training to get him to drop it inside arms reach. Now, as you can see, he's really got the hang of playing "fetch". Like any good retreiver, the owner gets bored long before the Dog, errrr, Cat.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, our kitties love cables/wires as well. Very good. Norwegian wood (this bird has flown.)

Anonymous said...

Very clever. If you can manage this with a cat then I guess FBS can drive a tractor by now!!!

Viking Longship said...

I'm a little disappointed with FBS, he's already 1 month old and no, he can't drive a tractor yet and he can't tell the difference between a 7/16" and a 1/2" spanner.

I'm not pushing him on the metric side of things though, that can wait until he's a bit older.

the other cold one said...

What? Surely in respect for his country of origin it should be the other way round: teach him metric then confuse his little brain with Feet and inches, pounds and ounces and the fact that everything comes in 12 or 14- I still have trouble with metric/imperial conversion after 3 years here - no idea what my height or weight is in metric, and I have tried very hard to stop looking at distance signs and dividing by 8 then multiplying by 5...

Unknown said...

These cats are behond all that,they kno oth sides and more,far too intelligent for their own good never mind ours.....,brains and beauty,who could ask for more........