Monday, July 18, 2005

Blog News: Hit counter revelation

Wow, that was really quite simple.

By the power of the internet this blog now comes complete with hit counter at the bottom of the page!!!!!

I'll be trying to link to other websites before you know it (yes, before you say it, it'll all go horrible wrong).


Viking Longship said...

p.s. Many thanks to Nick prolific publisher on News from beyond the north wind for providing me the link to gostats.

Now, does anyone out there know how to do a link that opens in a new window so that you don't lose my comment everytime you click on one of the links above.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

Impressive stuff!

Info on hyperlinks here:

But I don't think you can put the target code into here as it caused me an error when I tried to post it.

I use extreme tracking to do my counter, it gives you loads of info, here's the one for Petrolart:;sum?login=petrolar



Viking Longship said...

Excellent stuff, all help appreciated.


Nick said...

Andy - a simple right-click on the mouse & 'open in a new window' ought to do it too . . .

Anonymous said...

Andy, not sure how you write a post on this thing but the standard HTML for getting a link to open in a new window is to add a target="_blank" to your link.

Just tried to post an example but it wouldn't allow it in a comment!

Give it a try and let me know.


Anonymous said...

Ah, just spotted Nikster had already filled you in on that...

OK, if that doesn't work, you might be able to bodge it:

When you create your link, and you add the href attribute, instead of just pointing that to a URL eg. href="" you might be able to get it to accept some script like href="'')"

Worth a shot :D


Nick said...

the following link may also prove useful -


Nick said...

Sorry - there should have been a question-mark after that last 'Nikster'. At least, I assume we can't be the same person . . .

Viking Longship said...

Nick, Nik, Nikster....

Easy, look for the c.