Undercoat on and another cat.
And in place, I used a little flexible filler stuff in the joins, as they were not perfect! We also found out that the pre painted ceiling panels were not as white as the white paint we used so they got 2 coats of white paint as well.
The garden before the snow falls,,,
15 years ago
Dear Mrs VL, You look wonderful and so neat and tidy! We are constantly thinking of you and hoping all is well. Today is Auntie Flora's birthday. The next family birthday is the other one in Toco's family. Shel'll be 4 on the 20th. But your babe will definitely be here before then.
Meanwhile, I couldn't help observing to myself that of course the cats are investigating. a) they are VERY curious creatures and b) that used to be their room!
It looks wonderful now. Congratulations!
Hope you get this message. I'm so surprised to get connected and to manage to open up the blog and the pictures. It makes such a change.
We send all our love from this end of the family.
Mum of all
Are they my overalls? A
Only thing that would (nearly) go round the Tummy!
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