Parner in Crime, aka ElKego, aka KEG has started his own blog.
PIC has tackled (and is tackling) much grander rennoavtion and modification in his gaff than we have to date. He is also a great source of advice and support with many of our mad plans, although some might say he's resposible for hatching some of our mad plans.
KEG blog is mostly in Norwegian, but do not fear English speakers. KEG is a man of few words and many pictures (does that then make him a man of many thousand words?!?). Regardless of language, I thoughrougly recommend a visit! The links in the sidebar for future referance.
The garden before the snow falls,,,
15 years ago
Are you sure he doesn't do it for a living, it all looks more professional than the pros! I think we have a lot to learn!
I know he doesn't do it for a living, although he's got a life time of projects to do!
And don't worry, I am learning!
Thank you for that comment, toco!
Looking forward to our next mad plan/project... ;-)
(Could it possibly be involving equipment for "the coming generation"...? ;-))
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